November 06, 2006

Hemp can save the planet?

The head of the EPA put out a report in the 80's stating that if we don't stop the burning of fossil fuels and chopping of trees for paper and wood, the planet will suffer catastrophic repercussions within 30 to 50 years. Well, we are 20 years into that reality and the polar ice caps are melting at astounding rates, we hardly have any ozone left to protect us from the suns damaging effects, and the air we breath is so polluted that you can't even see the mountains from the beach.

The only way to reverse these planetary conditions and yet still have our products and fuel lies in one plant. Yes, you guessed it!!! Cannabis, Hemp, Marijuana!!! First of all, Hemp breathes faster than any plant. Replacing bad oxygen with good oxygen fast and efficiently. Knowing that is only part of the good news. Fuel for our cars can be made from Hemp called Methanol. This fuel burns without pollution and can be made from only 3% of US soil. Also the refining process will create much less pollution to the environment. Paper and wood can also be made from Hemp with less chemicals used in the processing. The paper will never yellow and the wood is 10 times stronger. Trees take 200 years to grow to maturity, but Hemp grow to maturity in just 6 months. If we leave the trees alone and grow Hemp for just paper and wood alone, this will make an amazing difference in our air quality and ozone protection from the sun.

When these facts were presented to the head of the EPA, he said he could do nothing about this. He stated that, Hemp is illegal, and even if it could save the planet he would not say anything to the people in higher positions in fear of losing his own job. And this my friends is a blatent display of Hempocracy!!! We all need to get out and vote for all laws that will help our cause to save planet Earth. We know the facts, now lets take back what is ours!!!! Hemp, Cannabis, Marijuana is the answer!!!


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